Silver Lining in Cloud of Problems: Leadership Training 2013

Leadership is the basic matter that we have been commonly deal t with in everyday life, not only being a leader for ourselves but also be a leader for others in organization. This is why there were many people gathered in Cine Club on May 25, 2013. From Saturday morning to afternoon they joined the agenda called Leadership Training . Leadership Training is firstly designed to be compulsory for all EDSA staffs and as the consideration also for being the committee of English for Freshmen 2013. However, the majority of the participants were non-EDSA staffs. This was commented by Wahyu Galih Wicaksono as the chief of the committee, “It is a great loss not to join Leadership Training. By just paying a sum of money, actually this is the chance which doesn’t come often to get very useful knowledge from great speakers coming from successful leadership background. Not only succeed in their organization, but they also succeed in other field like in academic and business.” “Leade...