
Showing posts from June, 2023

Announcement EFF 2023 Committee

  [ANNOUNCEMENT] Committee of English for Freshmen 2023 Introducing the EFF 2023 Committee!      Get ready for an extraordinary experience with a dedicated team that will make EFF 2023 unforgettable. To those who weren't selected, we appreciate your effort and interest. Don't worry, because there are still plenty of exciting events awaiting you, including CCU, EDM-Charity, and many more! Stay tuned for an unforgettable experience! [ Chairman ] Margaretha Aninditya Swarnadevhi [ Secretary ] Niken Agustina Pratiwi Fatimah Az Zahra [ Treasurer ] Muhammad Fathan Amanu Zimran Tarysa Nofi Istanti [ Secretarial ] Coordinator: Aurelia Salma Staffs: Chyka Villia Dwi Mart Edelweis Kharisma Nurlaila  Reivazona Adistytania Triyanda Nurrazabi [ Sponsorship ] Coordinator: Natasya Pinkan Staffs: Arvina Putri Kusuma Wardhani Christy Setya Diva Daryl Fawaz Mulyawan Putra Kayla Felasita Maria Najla Diva Permatasari Zaskia Fadlilatunnisa [ Disciplinary C ommittee ] Coordinator: Vanessa Nanda Adis

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Open Recruitment Committee of EDSART#10

Hi Everyone! Congratulations to the applicants who were selected to be part of the EDSART's #10 Committee. Hopefully you can take full responsibility, contribute and commit until the end of the management✨ For those who have not been selected, you have potential and have started a big step🌟 Keep up the spirit in fighting for dreams! More Info: (Fatimah) ✨See you in EDSART #10✨