Open House BEM FBS 2013: Unity in Diversity

          Open house is an event that the students association usually hold in their first work program. At FBS, this event always successfully attracts a lot of audiences. In the beginning of this May, BEM FBS also held an Open House. Crowded people with loud sounds and some Wayang hanged on the Stage Tari Tedjakusuma on Thursday, 2nd May 2013. With the theme Kebersamaan dalam Keberagaman” or Unity in Diversity, BEM FBS 2013 wished that FBS can be united and there will not a partition between BEM and students. Began with the speech from the dean of FBS, Mr. Zamzani,  all of the available chairs were full of the audiences even though there was also an event at Pendopo Tedjakusuma. In this chance, Mr. Zamzani through his speech told that this event is a suitable event to unite FBS which has two aspects inside it, languages and arts.   
            Risyda Rosyida as the coordinator of this event told that the first concept of this event is to perform every student association’s performance on a stage, but because every student association has their own agenda, so there only a few student association who can join this event. He also told that the purpose of the decoration is to appeal to the audiences to keep our culture because in this modern era, some of us are forget and do not know about our own cultures. This events performed Batiga band, monolog from Andreas Munawirdya Agil, a poem read by Malam Perjamuan Sastra, acoustic from SEKRUP and CHAMP, performance from Himaseta, and Diksicoustic. This event is the latest event from the Open House BEM FBS. Before it, there are some events that held by BEM FBS 2013. They are Onthel Bareng Sedulur, BBM (Bincang Bimbang Mahasiswa) which discuss about the existence of Wayang; and Culture&Literature National Seminar with Taufik Ismail and Suminto. 



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