Edsart Festival: Blood for Life, Blood for Love

                Every single drops of your blood can save one’s life. At least, that is why the 4th division of EDSA had been inspired to give a chance for us to spread the kindness by donating our blood. It was Tuesday 14th May, 2013 when you saw people were in and out from Cine Club of C15 FBS UNY building. Blood donation which became one of the brand new project of EDSA’s 4th Division, EDSArt Festival, had successfully interested about 40 people to get their blood examine as the fixation whether you could donate your blood or not. But, only a half of it was completely required, such as having minimum of 50 kg in weight, passing 3 months after your recent donation, being minimum 17 years old, and this one is special for women to make sure that you are not in your period.
                “People come and go but we take about 20 people because of the standard requirement. Some people do not require minimum hemoglobin. Blood pressure is also one of the consideration. We can’t take your blood if yours is too low,” said one of the PMI(Indonesian Red Cross) officer.
                It could be one of the way to eliminate someone’s phobia of blood because I found out that there is also a student who came to see the process even though she was not ready yet to take this action. Karina Astary, the student of English Literature 2011 admitted that she was not brave enough even just to see blood. But, when she looked at the will of people who decided to donate blood, it was not so scary as she had thought before.
                “Having an event does not always mean making a cheer agenda. We would kindly invite all of you to see that there are so many people outside who depend on blood donation. It’s not only the matter of taking care of other’s life but also your healthy. It is good for you to donate your blood once in 75 days,” Atin, one of the committee seemed a little disappointed because she could not donate her blood because the examination stated that her hemoglobin is low. “So, it is your reminder that you have to stay healthy at least by having enough rest.”

Juzi Ammalilia


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