EDSArt Festival

The ideal necessity of blood in Indonesia took every year takes 2,5% of our inhabitants. In these days, Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) could only get 4,5 million-4,8 million blood pouches which means that it is only 1,8% percents of total inhabitants could serve the blood.
So, would you still be afraid of needle while many people there are in their limited breath? EDSA dearly request you to break all your fears of being injected by donating your life. You know that every drops of your blood could save one's life.
Make sure that you are more than 17 years old, having minimum 50 kg of weight, and not in your period(for women). If it is not your first experience, make sure that your last donation is 3 months ago from the day you would give another donation.

Check this details:
Tuesday, May 14th 2013

Cine Club FBS UNY

If you still have any questions, just contact the number given.

There would be free voucher for you the first 20 donors :)) So, no need to worry to make worthy living, right? A drop of your blood for the love of living :))

As you have been waiting for a lot of information about EDSA's upcoming events on May, here we bring you more details. EDSArt festival not only asking you to save one's life but also give you annual performance which would fill you with joy. Here we gooooo. . . . . An Evening With Edsacoustic and Friends: Welcome Back To The Evening.

Be ready for noting the details for sure :)
Be there on May 17th, 2013 at Pendopo Tedjokusumo FBS, UNY. By only Rp.0,- a.k.a FREE, we would bring you to the harmony of many performances instead of EDSAcoustic Generations.
Make sure that you are free on this May because nobody would miss these great events!

After the blood donation and the acoustic concert, EDSArt Festival still has the theater performance as the closing of the festival. There will be two theater performances directed by Muh. Nafis (Di Balik Itu Semua) and Ananda Kartiko (Prayer From Bobby) from Relung Theater.

Please note the time and place of the performance! It will be on Friday, May 31, 2013 at 7pm till drop. You may straightly come to Tedja Kusuma Stage. The ticket of this performance costs 5K IDR. The committee will provide you a bottle of softdrink and a 50%-off voucher for each ticket. So, make sure that you won't miss this event! 



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