Silver Lining in Cloud of Problems: Leadership Training 2013
Leadership is the basic
matter that we have been commonly dealt with in everyday life, not only being a leader for
ourselves but also be a leader for others in organization. This is why there were
many people gathered in Cine Club on May 25, 2013. From Saturday morning to
afternoon they joined the agenda called
Leadership Training.
Leadership Training is firstly designed to be compulsory for all EDSA staffs
and as the consideration also for being the committee of English for Freshmen
2013. However, the majority of the participants were non-EDSA staffs. This was commented
by Wahyu Galih Wicaksono as the chief of the committee, “It is a great loss not
to join Leadership Training. By just paying a sum of money, actually this is
the chance which doesn’t come often to get very useful knowledge from great
speakers coming from successful leadership background. Not only succeed in
their organization, but they
also succeed in other field like in academic and business.”
“Leadership Training is
actually a facility for EDSA staffs to build their leadership skills and learn about it together. More less
it is like AMT and Upgrading but it is a slightly different, Leadership Training aimed to
gather all EDSA staffs to learn about leadership, managing and solving problems
in organization. This agenda could be also one way to bind all EDSA staffs
together in togetherness”, he said.
This so-called
Leadership Training was not only a kind of training that made the participants
sit for the whole day listening to the speakers but there were practice and
games also as this agenda was divided into three major sessions. They were
material giving, problem solving and games.
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Picture 1. Mr. Untoro Wahyu explained the aspects of leadership. |
The first session of
this agenda was chaired by Artine Ayu Utami as both MC and moderator. The
speakers for this session were Mr.
Untoro Wahyu, the chief of EDSA in 1999 and Mr. Muhammad Ibrahim or we usually call him
Mr. Baim, the chief of HIMA PBSI in 2010 and HRD Department in FBS Student
Executive Board in 2011. In the end of the material giving session, participants were allowed to
ask questions to the speakers. Mr. Untoro Wahyu said that leadership has several aspects; there are confidence
and risk taking, competence (vision and mission for life), care, teamwork, creativity
and credibility. The part TEAM here in the word ‘teamwork’ can be explained by the
meaning of team:
T : Together
E : Everyone
A :
M : More
Brighten our
knowledge horizon about leadership; Mr. Baim shared his experience in
leadership by explaining what leadership is and who can be a leader. It can be
drawn that leadership is
to perform an act to engage one or more persons to be led in order to accomplish a mission which
influencees that group of people
to move towards their goal settings or goal achievements. Meanwhile, a leader has to be a strategic
thinker that looks forward and creates visions, challenge, motivation, inspiration.
To be a good leader requires not only good leadership but also good followership.
Participants were divided into groups when it came to the problem solving session. Each
group was given a problem that usually faced in organization or organizing
events such as the professionalism in organization and how to overcome if there
are two or more events held in the same time. After discussing it with the
group, they presented the discussion result in front of the juries and other
participants. The juries were Mr. Baim and the chief of EDSA, Mr. Fajar S.
Zulkarnain. The others including juries and other participants were allowed to
ask questions to the group who was presenting the solution.
The last activity of Leadership Training participants
was the games. Here, the participants were divided into groups that
were different with their former group in the problem solving session. The aim is to make
participants could make new
friends with more people and build good teamwork. There were four games played by participants.
They were minesweeper, hole in the bottle, wild commando and bola kolong. The
participants were very excited and very energetic after doing Dzuhur prayer and
having lunch before the games session began. Each group had done their best
effortws to be the
winner in every game. In the end of the agenda, the group that got the best
score accumulated from each game and the best group during the games received a
reward and the title best leader was obtained by M. Ardia Rafiq Al Ghozali (Algo).
The priceless knowledge
that we could learn from Leadership Training is greater than the quote that
earlier delivered by Mr. Untoro,
“ To lead
yourself, use your head. To lead others, use your heart.Always touch a person’s
heart, before you ask him for a hand.”
― John Maxwell
as we could learn how to work with team to go to one
goal and how to solve problems as every cloud has a silver lining, every problem has a
solution. (Almira Romala/EDSA