Announcement of CCU 2024 Committee


Committee of Cross Cultural Understanding 2024

Hello everyone! 

We would like to thank and appreciate all the applicants who have given your best dedication in the application process. Your enthusiasm and commitment have been truly inspiring, and it is clear that each of you possesses the qualities and passion needed to contribute meaningfully to this event.

After careful consideration, we are pleased to announce that the selection process has been completed. For those who have been selected, congratulations! We are excited to work with you in bringing our shared vision to life. For those who were not selected this time, please know that your efforts have not gone unnoticed. We encourage you to stay involved and look forward to your continued participation in future opportunities.

Once again, thank you for your hard work, and let’s make CCU 2024 an unforgettable experience together. 

Rasti Eka Fiani

Mirza Nur Rahma 


Zahratunnisa Amatul Karim 

[Event Organizer]

Coordinator: Amanda Septiara


Naura Ariesta

Deswinta Dwie Untari 

Belva Alfakihah Azalia 

Yulia Muktamara Rifani

Mohammad Rafell Yogasworo 

Maheswari Anindya 

Roma Tiur Nilam Sihite

[Public Relation]

Coordinator: Najwa Hanifatul Arafah


Kezia Saditiyas Maharani

Affrendi Kurniawan

Rullie Andika Arif

Fatiqa Allisya

Nadhira Azalia 

Isabel Kirana Yoeliawan

Hurin Ain Nasywa


Coordinator: Christabella Febrie Arnetta Purba Manorsa 


Suci Saputri 

Najma Faatiha Husna

Oisha nurul izzati

Putri Damayanti

Jihan fauziyyah lathiffah


Coordinator: Ferra Alamanda Sari


Yudho Wibisono

Gheisya Zahra Aulia

Riefda Azfa Harits 

Zafira Etta Al Syifa

Muhammad Ilham Rahmawan 

Deaswyta Ayudya Linggany

Ismiati Ika Puji Rahayu


Coordinator: Ninda Surya Alam


Hafshoh Tsabitah Al Kariima 

Zahra Khoirunnisa

Ghaida Nasywa Rida

Hanum Nurul Khotimah


Coordinator: Ahmad Husain


Raden Roro Putri Masayu Sekar Arumdapta

Az Dzikra Aurora 

Grace Abelizy Nivaro Gea

Ghema Aldhama Naluri

Pricilla Divina Palmanda

Nayla Zahratur Rosyada


Coordinator: Amalia Kalila Anggara


Athaya Talitha Zain

Divon Rahmadha Oktaviana 

Leony Karunia Risqita

Nesly Nur Chalifah Suwandi

Fairuz Fatina

[Tools and Equipment]

Coordinator: Muhammad Taufiqul Akmal


Fathur Rayhan

Muhammad Raihan Baihaqi 

Cahyo Adi Negoro 

Muhammad Hazel Bellamy Hernawan

Rania Ayesha Putri Navara

Fania Anondonta

Iyas Nur Majid


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