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“All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.”

-Michael Joan Bobak

Greetings, fellas! 

We have some exciting news to share—we’ve finalized the staff members for EDSA 2025! Congratulations to those who made the list! Your hard work, talent, dedication, and commitment to excellence have earned you a spot on our team, and we’re thrilled to have you with us.

To those who weren’t selected this time, we sincerely appreciate your effort and interest. While you may not have been chosen on this occasion, we encourage you to keep striving for your goals and exploring new opportunities. We value your participation and hope to see you apply again in the future.

Once again, congratulations to our new team members! We look forward to working together to achieve our goals and make a positive impact.

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  1. Diva Fazeela Ramadhani

  2. Farhan Ikhsanaji

  3. Jasmine Wulandari

  4. Khairunnisaa

  5. Roma Tiur Nilam Sihite

  6. Thalitha Shafa Agrapuri

  7. Tristanti Adelia Putri

π‡π”πŒπ€π π‘π„π’πŽπ”π‘π‚π„ πƒπ„π•π„π‹πŽππŒπ„ππ“ πƒπˆπ•πˆπ’πˆπŽπ [𝐇𝐑𝐃𝐃]

  1. Aanisah Nuur Fadhilah Putri SB

  2. An Nissa Shifa Dewi

  3. Fatiqa Allisya Rizqi

  4. Leony Karunia Risqita

  5. Muhammad Zaki Prawiraatmadja Isdiansyah

  6. Nabiila Nur'Urfani Insani

  7. Nezar 'Adiy Syihab

  8. Putri Rahma Nurani

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  1. Alifia Hanifah Salsabila

  2. Farid Alyaa Irsyadul Ibad

  3. Jihan Alyaa Ferina

  4. ⁠Nayla Zahratur Rosyada

  5. Pricilla Divina Palmanda

  6. Ray Akbar Sagara 

  7. Shehita Nrangwesti Waradani 

  8. Ulfadila Khoirunnisa

  9. Zahwa Putri Aulia

𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 π‹πˆπ“π„π‘π€π“π”π‘π„ πƒπˆπ•πˆπ’πˆπŽπ [𝐀𝐋𝐃]

  1. Clarita Dewi Pramesti

  2. Yasmine Raihanna Raqqat

  3. Naswa Mutiara Fauziyyah 

  4. Jihan Fauziyyah Lathiffah

  5. Muthia Nanda Safira

  6. Rafflina Aracelli

  7. ⁠Rania Ayesha Putri N

  8. Farrell Surya Ghifari

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  1. Alma Dian Syavara

  2. Amelia Septiyana Anugraheni

  3. Febrina Qhyla Putri

  4. Masayu Putri Dwitasari

  5. Meylina Sinaga

  6. Muhammad Irham Putra Pramudya

  7. Refarianti Salsabila Khairunnisa

  8. Rizky Falyasi Rahman

  9. Syifaul Kamila Arrochmah


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