An Evening with EDSAcoustic : Summer Breeze in Delightful Harmony

Raindrops couldn’t stop the warmth spread in front of GK 4 FBS UNY on May, 12. Although summer doesn’t occur in our country, Indonesia, that evening felt like it did. It was all because of an event called An Evening with EDSAcoustic and Friends.

An Evening with EDSAcoustic and Friends is a part of EDSArt Festival which held annually by Art and Literature Division of EDSA. This year, using “Summer Breeze in Delightful Harmony” as the theme, the committee brings the atmosphere of summer into the live acoustic concert. The decoration, the photo booth items, and the dress code, all represent summer. Featuring Sasmita, Mishbah, Camp FIP, KӒSE, and Hipercoustic, EDSAcoustic from many generations also hit the stage with happy summer tracks.

“An Evening with EDSAcoustic is an event where EDSAcoustic from all generations, from 2003 to 2015, reunite,” said Laksmi Novita Cahyanti who’s a member of EDSAcoustic and also the coordinator of the event.

The event is considered as a big success since the number of the audiences is beyond expectation. There were hundreds of people making crowd since the beginning of the event. One of the audiences, Rika Pratiwi from FMIPA UNY, said, “I had so much fun. I could sing along and refresh my mind from lab works. I also got free snacks.”.

What a delightful evening it was. But, summer is not the end of the story. There are winter and spring that come after it. An Evening with EDSAcoustic is not the end of EDSArt Festival. We still have two upcoming events : EMAC Flicks and Relung Laboratory. So, see you soon! (ry)


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