Achievement Motivation Training 2014

Achievement Motivation Training was another event held by English Department Students Association at 7th and 8th November 2014, in Griya Taruna Kaliurang. The event aimed to train freshmen to  be great leaders in the future through games and some materials that delivered by Fajar Subekti Zulkarnaen, the head of EDSA 2013 and Andika Rahmadi Putra, the head of EDSA 2009.

(Photo by: Naufal Noorosa)
The event started in Friday afternoon at 3.30 p.m. The participants of this event had dinner before listened to the speeches. The first speech was from Fajar Subekti Zulkarnaen. It was about Organization Management, the materials warmly delivered through his tender voice that evening. It was about how to manage yourself when you were involved in an event, how you have to act and respond to any problem that might be happened. The participants looked excited and there were some of them asked several questions to the speaker.

The second speech was delivered by Andika Rahmadi Putra. It was begun with a task, he asked the entire participant to divide themselves to be in four different groups and they had to draw a line in a sheet of paper in order to build a concrete shape. This task was aimed to train their leadership, communication and teamwork which was in line with his material “Leadership”. The task could describe several important things that the member of an organization should have.
After the materials, the participants were dragged out to have the barbeque time with all crews and EDSA’s seniors. There was some sky lanterns’ flight, too.

Saturday morning.
They started the day with a religious input by Wardhania Dewi, the chief of the event, and followed by sport. Then, they started to have some games in 5 different posts. The games were designed to have 5 elements of the earth, water in post 1, metal in post 2, soil in post 3, fire in post 4, and air in post 5.

The participants crawled between the legs (Photo by: Naufal Noorosa)

Post 1 is a battle game which was played by two groups. One group should throw one bag of water to the second group. They had to use a pile of fabric to throw the water and no hands allowed to touch it.
In post 2, the game began with few participants and they have to make a tunnel with their legs and one of them crawled between it to get the coin. The coin placed in a bowl full of soybean ketchup and flour.

(Photo by: Naufal Noorosa)
In post 3, the game started when the participants made a line and tried to toss a handful of flour above their heads. 
In post 4, the game rule was connecting any kind of things that they could find to one participant to another. It is like make a long robe from the start line to finish line.   
In post 5, the last post, the game was like a marathon game but the participants had to wear all properties provided in the post, such as raincoat, socks, hat, sarong, and they had to run around the route so that they could get the point.

The game in post 4 (Photo by: Naufal Noorosa)

At the end of the event, after all participants had cleaned up, Dewi closed the Achievement Motivation Training and all participants went back to campus. The essence of the event hopefully could perfectly build sense of leadership to all of participant so they could be good leaders in the future.


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