Hello, my friends ?
We wonder that you must have been curious about the writing competition winners.
This time, we'd like to announce the winner for both categories (essay and short stories), so.. This is it !

Winners of Essay Competition: 
1. Kintan Heksa Kumala (English Education-UNY)
2. Muhammad Mushthafa Habiburrahman (UNS)
3. Ratna Fitria Anggraeni (Economics Education-UNY)

Winners of Short Story Competition:
1. Aryo Widhi Pinandito (SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Yogyakarta)
2. Qisthi Fadlila (MA Muallimaat Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta)
3. Intan Nurazurah (SMA N 1 Ngemplak)

Congratulations to the winners! And also we'd like to say thank you very much to all of participants who have contributed in submitting their writings. We highly appreciated it. Hopefully, this writing competition about election could be a form of our aspiration for the nation.

To all of the winners, we are looking forward for your presence on Saturday, May 10th 2014, at 1 p.m at Cine Club C15 FBS UNY.

Thank you and see you at the next events..


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