Comparative Study with Veteran Bangun Nusantara University

On  Wednesday, June 5 2013, EDSA was visited by SUED (Student Union of English Department) from Veteran Bangun Nusantara University of Sukoharjo. They came here to have an agenda. It was Comparative Study. This event was held in Cine Club, Faculty of Languages and Arts,  State University of Yogyakarta. It started at 10.00 AM. 
First of all, the MCs of this program were Bethsa and Ellis. They opened this agenda with singing Indonesia Raya and Hymn EDSA together which the conductor of it was Novi. Next, the speech from the chief of SUED, Tri J, he said that this agenda was very good to have comparative study here, they hope that they can get more knowledge and they can share about programs in a organization and many more. Then, the speech from the chief of EDSA, Fajar Subekti Zulkarnain. He said that, “ It is a good event to understand and share with others. We are very happy because we can meet here together, have new friends, and welcome to State Univesrsity of Yogyakarta. I hope this agenda is well until the end of the program.”

Then there was a presentation session. The first presentation from SUED. The presentation was about SUED, the divisions of SUED, and many programs in SUED.       It has six divisions and many agendas such as English Congress, English Day, Bulletin and Majalah SUED, Mading SUED, Study Banding or Comparative Study, and many more. The presentation was good and she can explain about SUED and their programs in detail. Then, there was question and answer session.  Zidnie and Endah asked some questions about the presentation from SUED.
In addition, there was a presentation from EDSA. That was rather different from SUED because every chief of division presented about their programs in each division.
Edsacoustic was also the guest star of this agenda. They sang three songs: The One That Got Away, Rolling in The Deep, and Yogyakarta. That was a wonderful performance from Aya and friends. That made the atmosphere there more fun. 

After it, the agenda is closed at 11.30 AM by giving the souvenir from Fajar Subekti Z (EDSA) to Tri J (SUED).  He (SUED) also gave the souvenir to Fajar Subekti (EDSA) as the symbol of the comparative study that they have done. Then, the staffs of SUED which guided by the staffs of EDSA visited some places in Faculty of Languages and Arts such as SALC, Pendopo Tedjo, Lecturer Building, and etc. 
That was an interesting comparative study because we can share and learn our programs, organizations, and many more. Thank SUED for coming here.
( Anti / EDSA Press )


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