From "Dialog Jurusan" on March 21, 2013

Notulen Dialog Jurusan Kamis, 21 April 2013 di PLA Lantai 3 Ruang seminar.

A.      Speakers :
1.      Drs. Samsul Maarif, MA.
2.      Andy Bayu Nugroho, S.S., M.Hum
3.      Sudiyono, S.Pd., M.A.

B.      Speech from :
1.      Chief of commetee : Rezi Puspitasari
2.      Chief of EDSA : Fajar Subekti. Z

C.      Performance:
1.      Novi, Ahimsa, and Galih

            Theme : Choosing of our major study

·         Speaker 1 : Drs. Samsul Maarif, MA.
Reference : kurikulum 2009
Mr. Samsul explains about our English programmes, they are :
Programme of English Literature : Translation, Linguistic, and Literature
Programme of English education : English for children.

·         Speaker 2 : Andy Bayu Nugroho, S.S., M.Hum
Mr. Andy explains about three consentrations on programme of English Literature.
ü  Lingustic : Psycholingustic, pragmatic
Literature : Literature Theory, Drama II-III
Translation : Translation studies, translation curiculum.

The programme of translation is the favorite one for most of students because this programme is very interesting.

ü  Lectures of literature : Miss. Nandy Intan Kurnia, Mr. Sugi Iswalono, Mr. Rahmanto, etc.
Lectures of Lingustic : Mr. Paulus, Miss. Susana, etc.
Lectures of Translation : Mr. Andy Bayu Nugroho, Mr. Yosa, etc.

ü  Quota of consentration :
1.      Main basic : students' interest
2.      It will influent on the our skripsi
3.      Time of study is 5-8 months
4.      IPK in average 3,18

ü  In semester 6 : we will learn about LINGUSTIC RESEARCH, translation research, and Literature research (according to our choose)
ü  In semester 5  : students of English of Literature will choose one of consentration.

§  Speaker 3 : Sudiyono, S.Pd., M.A.
Mr. Dion explains about our SKS in our programme (English Literature, and English education). SKS for S1 : 147/149, and below are the consentrations for English Education and English Literature :
ü  English for children : 10 SKS
ü  English for Businnes : 10 SKS
ü  Translation studies : 12 SKS
ü  Advanced Lingustic : 10 SKS
ü  Advanced TEFL : 10 SKS


1.      Juzi from English Literature
“ Please explain about field  job of our consentration ?”
Mr. Dion : you have to learn all things, and you will get job everywhere if you work harder. Use  your opportunity. i believe that you will get a job.

2.      Ratna from english education
“Can students of English Education choose the programme of translation and English for Businness ? “
Mr. Dion : Yes,  you can. But you have to learn more, and keep your spirit.

3.      “ What we can do if we don’t like with our lecture in our consentration ?
Mr. Rahmat : you can ask many lecturers in your programme.

4.     How if we choose programme of translation, but we work at field of literature or lingustic?
Mr. Rahmat : you should be professional and you have to learn about values; all of component in your place of work.

5.      “ How about double degree ? “
Mr. Samsul Maarif : I think , only some of student to choose it.

In the last section Mr. Andy informs that in 2013, the student exchange will be held in Thailand.
Only one student in each program study can get this chance, but you have to create one paper about our culture, and you have to have at least one skill in culture, such as singing, dancing, etc.

Thank you J


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