We dare you to be one of us! :D

EDSA is, as you know, an English Department Students Association. We cover the whole students of English Education and English Literature in one association. In here, you could elaborate your soft skill rather than your academics. We will learn and have a process together through organizing EDSA. There must be so many benefits if you join with us. 

EDSA consists of five divisions. The first is AEDD, Applied English and Development Division. This division concern on academic skill. One of the programs of this programs is EIC, English Internal Competition, which is a program that provides you so many competition dealing with English.

The second division is HRDD. It is heart recovery development division Human Resources Development Division. There is EFF (English For Freshmen) as one of its programs. We can organize the event! How great! :D

The third division is D'ELIT. The name is kinda strange, isn't it? :D
D'ELIT stands for Division of English Library, Information, and Technology. In this division, you can be a journalist. Hmm, what do you think about being a college student and a journalist in the same time? Good? Ugh, right! Besides, this division also has the authority of managing the social media of EDSA including this blog for sure. Last words for D'ELIT, but not the least... Shield and Quills are our product. So, will you miss the chance to join with us? :/

And then.... the fourth division of EDSA is ALD. Art and Literature Division concerns on art and literature of course. The point is that this division covers Edsacoustic, Relung, and Emac. You can elaborate your skill related with art and literature there. Playing music, acting a role, and making film is such great things to do, right?

Finally, we reach the last division. EDSA has Fusion (Fund Raising Division). Check the previous sentence please! Yes, fund raising division! Do you think about money? So do I. Well, exactly this division is the richest than the others. They concern on entrepreneurship and investment of EDSA. So, if you want to be a rich man or woman later, I suggest you to join this division.

Those are a little description of EDSA's division. For more explanation, you have to join with us first! Then, you must have had an explanation of how it is and how it feels to be on of us.



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