
Showing posts from January, 2013


WE DARE YOU TO JOIN WITH US! Requirements: Currently active as the student of English Department. Currently in the 1st or 2nd year of study (2011 or 2012). Having commitment and responsibility.  The form can be downloaded from the links below: Interview will be held on February, 11-12 2013 in the hall of PKM (2nd floor). Contact person: Fajar (0857 2926 3837) Zidnie (0856 4318 5434)


We dare you to be one of us! :D EDSA is, as you know, an English Department Students Association. We cover the whole students of English Education and English Literature in one association. In here, you could elaborate your soft skill rather than your academics. We will learn and have a process together through organizing EDSA. There must be so many benefits if you join with us.  EDSA consists of five divisions. The first is AEDD, Applied English and Development Division. This division concern on academic skill. One of the programs of this programs is EIC, English Internal Competition, which is a program that provides you so many competition dealing with English. The second division is HRDD. It is heart recovery development division Human Resources Development Division. There is EFF (English For Freshmen) as one of its programs. We can organize the event! How great! :D The third division is D'ELIT. The name is kinda strange, isn't it? :D D'ELIT stands for...

EDSAnite, January 11th, 2013

EDSA FBS UNY proudly presents . . . EDSAnite, pentas akhir kepengurusan EDSA tahun ini. Menampilkan: - EDSAcoustic - EMAC (English Movie Appreciation Community) - Relung Theatre (Salah Paham) - Musikalisasi Puisi (Rumah Cinta) Guest Starts: - BATIGA - Stand Up UNY Saksikan pada hari Jumat, 11 Januari 2013 pukul 19.00 WIB di Stage Tari Tedjokusumo FBS UNY. HTM: Rp5.000,-. Ticket box: Gedung C15 FBS UNY TEMPAT TERBATAS! Informasi lanjut, hubungi: Devi 0856 2590 358 Fadli 0856 4301 5248