BLOOD DONATION (May 6, 2015 at Cine Club, C15, FBS) It is clear from the name of the event. You have purposes in life, saving somebody's life by donating 350cc of your blood would be one of them;) AN EVENING WITH EDSACOUSTIC AND FRIENDS (May 7, in front of PKM FBS) This one marvelous event is hosted by Edsacoustic. They're inviting the former Edsacoust ic members from the year of 2009 and other acoustic groups all around FBS! This year's theme is "Romantic Sunset for Fraternity" which means all the performers will sing a few hits romantic songs from their year. Come and witness the romantic sunset with Edsacoustic!:D EMACFLICKS (May 22, 2015 at Cine Club, C15, FBS) Who loves watching movies?:D If you wanna know how a movie can be so addicting, you can attend this event! They will screen & discuss "The Blind Side" (starring Sandra Bullock) at May 22, 2015! RELUNG LABORATORY (May 29, 2015 at Stage Tari Pendopo Tedjokusum...